We have renewed our agreement with Rocna for the Gulf of Mexico and Carribean
As we know we always have the best products and renewed our commitment to Rocna ...".Rocna's mareketing plans always involve the small Mom and Pop Business ....With Paddys knowledge and understanding of what happens under water and the concerns of .....real or planning cruisers needing in anchoring .....this is a great union of real Gulf of Mexico/Carribean Knowledge and superior engineering .....BOTCWINDSOLAR has fantastic record of proven engineering preformance with thier wind generators and desalinators .....the word of mouth experiences of cruisers praising the engineering innovations on Paddy's Generators and Desalinators can only be described as AMAZING! .......By joining Rocna's name with Paddy[BOTC ] .......we see nothing but another growing year for our Anchors in the Carribean.....If you are in the Carribean contact Paddy at BOTC for quote on a Rocna Anchor deliveried to your current port ."
The Ronca Story
Rock Solid Innovation
Super High Holding PowerTesting demonstrates that a Rocna possesses stopping power vastly superior to equivalent weight plow or claw types in soft sand or mud, due to the large blade area coupled with the blade's concave shape, which offers the greatest resistance of any form.
The Rocna is an SHHP type anchor. Super High Holding Power is a standard which requires double the holding power of a benchmark HHP type, or four times the holding power of a "standard stockless" type. For details of RINA classification, please click here.
The Rocna is an SHHP type anchor. Super High Holding Power is a standard which requires double the holding power of a benchmark HHP type, or four times the holding power of a "standard stockless" type. For details of RINA classification, please click here.
Instant setting A Rocna always attains the correct attitude for penetration, and with its combination of chisel tip, roll-bar, and skids, is rapidly buried on most seabeds – typically within one meter (three feet)
Large blade area and chisel blade tip On a boat weight matters, and in a Rocna anchor every gram of metal is put to use. A large concave surface blade area offers superior holding power, and the chisel-like blade tip easily penetrates weed, grass, and kelp.
Roll-stableA Rocna is not susceptible to sudden 'trip out'. Owing to its optimized geometry, it remains embedded, and does not roll out on load-reversal or if dragged under extreme load.

No roll-out: this Rocna has been intentionally dragged beyond yield, and its load veered by 90 degrees

No roll-out: this Rocna has been intentionally dragged beyond yield, and its load veered by 90 degrees
Ease of use A Rocna self-launches and locks home on most bow rollers. A tight curve radius between the shank and blade give a positive lock, preventing movement at sea. The slotted shackle attachment point allows single-shackle fixing, and special holes are positioned for a buoyed retrieval line and tandem anchor, if required.
Roll-bar A Rocna’s roll-bar ensures that the anchor will turn itself to the correct attitude for setting, every time. The skid-rails then direct the blade into the seabed. This also eliminates the need for dedicated tip-weight (an inefficiency common in other designs)
VersatilityThere is a Rocna to suit your boat, whether she's a small runabout or a vessel displacing 50 tons. Larger sizes can be custom designed for your vessel (please enquire)
AppealA Rocna has a distinctive and smart look that complements and enhances any craft.
Rugged strengthThe heavy-duty construction of a Rocna is attained through clever design and the use of high quality steel. A Rocna is rock solid with no moving parts, eliminating complex adjustment systems and potentially dangerous failure points.
DurableA hot dip galvanized finish covers the entire surface of every Rocna with protective zinc, including the interior of the hollow rollbar.
The Rocna was designed to address the limitations shared by all older and most newer anchors available. These designs suffer from a combination of the following:
for ordering , sizing and shipping contact
Skype: patrick.delaney77551
We ship world wide !!!!!
see it in action at the link above .......
- Limited resistance and holding power due to small blade areas (inefficient distribution of weight).
- Blade shapes designed to furrow, i.e. to move through the ground.
- Poor penetration in difficult seabeds such as kelp and grass.
- A tendency to roll-out under heavy or veering loads, especially common in claw and Danforth-style flat blade types.
- Poor designs that do not consider stowage on your boat’s bow, resulting in slack fits that allow movement at sea which can be damaging as well as annoying.
- Insufficient strength in the shank or other load-bearing sections.
- Moving parts, i.e. a reduction in strength and a hazard to personnel.
for ordering , sizing and shipping contact
Skype: patrick.delaney77551
We ship world wide !!!!!
see it in action at the link above .......
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