Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gotta Love the Irish , if only my Grandfather were here !!!!!!

Coming from a typically normal disfunctional Irish Catholic upbringing , from alter boys to 12 years of Catholic  schooling [which is why I cant spell and often use the same sounding words but I write them in wrong way ], Yes let me say this first ,my grandfather[my Pop pop ] was my hero, mentor and a complete charater in every way ,  my Father was the finest man I have ever met and my Mother is classicailly eccentric in a formal Southern way , this video reminds me of putting my Father [ my Pops ] and my Pop-pop on the dock  with some  Lonestar beer and a pocket bottle of Jagermeister or Paddy's Irish whiskey and the two of them yelling instructions out to me on how to sail a sunfish and then a Laser and then a lightening ......then a Catalina 22.....I love it

tks   Capt Paddy

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